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GS-2000R6 LED Beacon


Built-in IC chip control LED flash, this light has 9 user-selectable flash patterns: ROTATE, double blink, single blink, alternative, SOS (Morse code) for rescue, solid-on (high), solid-on (low), 2LED flashlight and 4LED flashlight.

More information:

  1. Total 6 pieces per set, packed into 1 case.
  2. Plug the AC Charger and Car Charger to hole of the casing
  3. Recommended to charge through CAR and A/C. USB charging method are not advisable

**** During charging, the light on ellipse charger is GREEN, when it is fully charged the light on ellipse will turn RED.


Product Information
Item code GS2000R6
Technical Information
Light type Runtime
Rotate 9H
Quad flash 9H
Single blink 60H
Alternate 9H
S.O.S. and Rescue morse code 14H
Solid on high 5H
Solid on low 35H
2 LED flashlight 9H
4 LED illuminate 6H
*Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Product Factsheet




GS-2000R6 LED Beacon Video


UPSB - Unique Presence Sdn Bhd
200401012261 (650764-V)

Unique Presence Sdn Bhd (UPSB Malaysia) is one of the main supplier to produces a wide range of durable energy products, military rescue equipment, combat ration packs and halal ready meals. We are dedicated to the goal of giving our customers quality products at competitive prices with quick delivery time.